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Tag: must eat

10 “Must eat” foods in Kuching

Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak is a city full of history and culture. Foodie will also love Kuching as the city offers a...

10 unique Macao Foods you must eat

PUBLISHED FOR AirAsia Formerly an enclave under Portuguese rule, Macao is a unique city is its mixture of Western and Chinese culture, Although 95% of...

8 “Must eat” food when visiting Sabah

What is the "must eat" in Sabah? I got asked this question a lot and many local Sabahan seems to be at lost what food...


到达沙巴亚庇,想像地道人享用当地美食,而不是西方/快餐?以下是十道你必须尝试的亚庇美食。当然,你可要品尝的可不止十道美食因每家店可招待多于一道美食。以下所列出的所有餐馆都位于亚庇市区内,您可以轻松地在城市走逛。开心的探讨亚庇吧!   限于早餐而已 Ang Kim Lam Coffee shop 此店招待干捞面(黑酱干搅拌面条)。很受当地喜爱,但为您的美味面条送达前,你可要准备等待半个多小时。这干捞面为黑酱拌匀面条可是最佳的选择。你也可以选择汤面条,也同出色。 营业时间:早上六点至早上十时 地点: 位于Kampung Air 的角头店,面对环型交叉路和旧电影院 卫星地点 : 5.9779662N 116.0746604E   (早餐/午餐) Seng Hing Coffee shop 成兴茶餐室 它可是招待城里最棒的冬荫海鲜面之一。面可配上新鲜的大虾和冬阴功汤。他们还招待很棒的斗亚兰面。 营业时间:早上七时至傍晚四时 地点 : Lot 10, Ground Floor, Sinsuran Complex (Lorong Sinsuran 2B), 卫星地点: 5.9804978N 116.0725817E   Kim Hing Lee coffee Shop(金兴利咖啡店) 亚庇第一家招待生肉面(猪肉面)的咖啡馆。这可是沙巴州著名的猪肉面条。配上切成薄片的猪肉和内脏。干捞猪肉面(带深色酱油干搅拌)可大受好评 营业时间:早上七时至下午三时 地点 : Blk F, Lot...